Challenges facing schools and teachers
- Students at different levels
- Students with different gaps
- Need on demand (asynchronous) options for learning at home
- Students with and without internet
- Teacher generated differentiated assignments – time consuming for teachers
- Need Accountability Reporting
- Some parents may choose to keep students at home
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Ascend Math supports continuation of learning by offering automated on demand (asynchronous) instruction, real time data and reporting, plus guidance for teacher-led, small instructional groupings that may be delivered in classroom or distance learning environments.

In Class Support
- Real-Time information on progress, in class and at home
- Students may be grouped by standards and supporting standards – supports group instruction
- Ascend Math Teacher Guides – supports project-based learning
- Ascend Math online resources available for Teacher support
- Printable study guides are differentiated by student for what is next in study plan
- Automated study plan ensures that students are ready for the next lesson in a logical math sequence
- No need for teachers to assign out of class work; however they can assign any standard needed
- Reporting on Time on Task and Objectives Completed
- Example – students should complete 1 objective per day and/or 30 minutes per day
- Progress monitoring within and across grade levels
- Individual Study Plan for each student
- Built in Parental Reporting and Parental Help Menus
Principal and District Support
- Built in Accountability Reporting includes
Usage by Teacher and Class
o Time on Task
o Objectives Completed
o Grade Level Growth.
o Standards Addressed