Math Intervention Success for High School Students

You’re invited to a special webinar. You’ll hear the strategies high school eduucators across the country have implemented to help their students fill math skill gaps quickly and improve their performance including:

  • At Youngker High School many students came in with below grade level skills in math. In the first three months of utilizing Ascend, 39% of these struggling students gained one grade level in math, 9.5% of students recorded 2 years’ growth. 

  • In just four month RTI students at Brazoswood High School 60% achieved gains of 1 ½ grade levels or more with 38% of students advancing 2 or more grade levels.

  • Valley High School students live in one of the poorest communities in the country. In less than one semester, 24% of their students achieved 4 grade levels of growth or more in math. 9% achieved 5 grade levels or more of growth.

  • At Aspen Valley High School mid-year growth rates for 9th grade students on the Scantron test were three times greater than the district average for 9th graders and four times greater than the district average for 10th graders.

All of these schools included the use of Ascend Math, an intensive math intervention program, in their strategies.

Please register here


Two convenient times:

Wednesday 1:00 pm (PST) 2:00 pm (MST) 3:00 pm (CST) 4:00 pm (EST)
Thursday 8:00 am (PST) 9:00 am (MST) 10:00 am (CST) 11:00 AM (EST)



*Ascend Presentation Date:

Please call me to arrange a day and time convenient to me.